Monday, October 3, 2011

The Stars

Today I wrote a piece based off of three random pictures from google images, and three random names from a name generator. Here's what I ended up with.

As the wolf howled, each of the three women jumped in surprise. Night had just fallen, and the chill in the air had begun to sink into their skin. However, the fire was growing, and its crackling invited them closer to it as they settled in for awhile. The clean scent of dew falling outside their campfire circle muted their initial fears, and each began to be able to truly enjoy the sounds of unseen beings, large and small, carrying through the trees. They were silent a long while, just staring into the flames and being.

Then Teodora started humming. Judith and Jayne exchanged amused glances; Teodora often began humming without noticing that she was doing it. Jayne spoke up announcing, "you must be thinking of something good."

She slowly drew her gaze away from the fire and stopped humming before asking "What?" She hadn't really taken in anything Jayne had said.

Judith answered for Jayne, "You're humming again. You only do that when you're extremely happy. What's on your mind?"

Teodora uncrossed her legs and hugged her knees to her chest. As she looked behind her and ahead of her she responded by asking "Have you ever noticed how different the dark of the forest is from the dark of the ocean?" The other two shook their heads at first, then looked about them. Then they understood what Teodora meant. The dark of the ocean stretching away ahead of them was so much deeper than the darkness of the forest behind them, and suddenly their fire seemed very insignificant.

"But look up," Teodora said, reclining on her back. "The darkness of the sky is the same everywhere. Dark and light at the same time, because of all those stars. Have you ever seen something like that back at home?" Judith and Jayne reclined slowly to try to see what Teodora could. They lay there in silence for more than ten minutes.

"So that's what you're happy about? The stars?" Asked Jayne, breaking the stillness once again.

"Yes Jayne, Tonight I'm just happy about the stars," sighed Teodora before resuming her quiet humming.

The wolf had been quiet a long time, listening to the sounds of the humans nearby. Now he loped further into the woods, leaving the three women, their small sailboat, and their adventure around the world behind him with a flick of his bushy tail.


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