Friday, August 1, 2008

In Which I knit around an incredibly busy schedule

So I said that I was going to post some pictures about my knitting and my trip to D.C.

Obviously that hasn't happened.

I've not posted since I was in Tulsa a couple of weeks ago because I keep saying I'm going to put my pictures on my computer, edit them, and then make a picture post. So far I've gotten my pictures on the computer. I have over 700 from D.C., it's crazy. I was excited when on the last day I used up my 2 gig card with pictures from prom to D.C., but I don't think I realized exactly how many pictures will fit on a 2 gig sd card. I'm going to try to finish editing the good ones and deleting the bad ones this weekend and then I really will put up pictures.

Until then I'll talk about my knitting and whatnot.

There's been a lot of knitting. Possibly miles of it.

So in Tulsa I cast on mom's birthday present The Spy. A lovely black bag the same pattern as D.C. my bag. I got a lot of work done in Tulsa and on the way home, but the day after I got home my life got crazy busy again. Almost too busy for knitting.

On Sunday I had to set up the church for day camp and then go to a birthday party, but I did manage to knit a rose for my friends gift. That day I also got the crazy notion to knit a birthday gift for all of my friends, most of whom hadn't had a birthday party yet this year. I was already halfway done with Simone's gift and just needed her to try it on for size and other than that I hadn't even thought of anything. I asked everyone there what they would like for their presents giving them a set of choices that I could knit quickly. Throughout the next week in my meager free time I started scouting out patterns for everyone and looking through my yarn to see what I had that I could use and what I needed to buy. In looking through my yarn I've decided that I'm never buying yarn without a specific and near project in mind for it or else my stash will one day smother me.

Of course, while I was making all these grand plans I barley had any time to do anything because that week I was working at day camp. Day camp was fun but crazy and exhausting. By the time Thursday rolled around I was amazed at how much energy the middle school girls I was working with had for their lock-in after the normal day of camp. I just sat quietly on a couch in the youth room, read a book, and knitted a bit. It was a great weekend and my knitting absolutely amazed the girls. Especially when I was knitting the next morning when they were all finally wiped out.

This last week, other than 5 hours of work, I've been totally free. I've been knitting almost non-stop. I finished and felted the base of The Spy and worked most of the panel in a day before realizing I was going to run out of yarn. I finished Simone's rockin' gloves, I started Dark Lady, a scarf for Addy, and bought yarn for Sophie and Jen's presents.

I am now almost in debt because of yarn purchases and have way too many projects on the needles.

Till next time, when I promise pictures!

"You have some nacho shmutz on your face there."