Thursday, January 29, 2009

In Which I Love School and Ice Days

So, last week I finally started school for my last high school semester. I'm taking three classes at Tarrant County College: English II, Philosophy, and Early American Lit and this semester should be fun. On my first day in class I was sitting there after knitting Kevin's tardis all through the Obama inauguration which we watched in Philosophy, and my teacher began to explain what we were going to be learning this semester. While he was talking I began to realize how much I like college.

I'm not necessarily talking about living in a dorm and meeting new people and all that fun stuff I'll do next year, I'm talking about the classes themselves. I plan on majoring in Psychology but I want to take so many other classes that have nothing to do with that while I'm there. I just have this sensation that there is so much knowledge out there and so much of it interests me that I want to take as many of those courses that I can while I'm at OSU.

I am in the honors college at OSU so I went on their website to see what honors classes they offered that I might be interested in. It was so cool! They had a logic course, an ethics course, some lit courses, and even a Jane Austen seminar. Doesn't that sound cool? When I first got the information about being in the honors college it said that my first two years(four semesters) I would have to take two honors courses a semester. Since I've finished most of my core classes already I was pretty sure I would have to contract a lot of those classes, but now I think I'd rather like to take these classes that will teach me something interesting as well as my regular psychology courses.

So I may be one of those few people who just likes learning for the sake of it, but I've got four years ahead of me to do all the in class learning I can - after that I'll just have to go on teaching myself things like I've done recently with poetry and even the more complicated knitting techniques I've learned recently. (such as knitting socks! I still love knitting socks!)

With that lovely segway into knitting I do want to mention one of my favorite days in the past few weeks was on Tuesday when school was cancelled due to non-existant ice. I stayed in my pjs all day and knitted on my pretty purple slippers that are so far without a name. As much as I love school, it was nice to have one more lazy day before I really get busy, now when I look at my new slippers I can remember that those lazy days do come every now and then.

In other news, I breifly mentioned Kevin's tardis earlier. I made up a pattern for his birthday and finished it in just about a week and I must say I'm very proud of it. I even learned how to duplicate knit and embroider words in order to be able to do it. I'm probably going to make one for myself with the leftover yarn soon.

Speaking of yarn I have ordered the first color for my blanket I plan on finishing before college. It will be dark purple, pale yellow, and blue black. Hopefully soon I'lll be able to save enough money to buy the yellow and black and I can actually start knitting it.

Well that's all for now. I really should get to sleep, I have one more busy day this week.

"Finally facing my Waterloo"

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In Which I Knit Socks

So here I am again.

My last post to this blog was in November and a lot has happened then. So much has happened that I actually did not pay attention to any of my emails, ravelry, or any blogs that I follow for almost the whole month of December. Now that I've caught up with everything and gotten through the crazy that has been these past two months I felt it was time for an update.

Apart from my grandmother getting the stomach flu on Thanksgiving day and passing it on to my dad who then passed it on to me (this was the begining of the crazy), then finally starting to work three days a week, and all the other stuff that goes along with Christmas including spending 7 hours at church on Christmas eve. I have actually gotten a lot of knitting done. I have had my first ever Christmas knitting, been knitting to get rid of my stash, and am now working on my knitting new years resolutions.

Chirstmas knitting always has a good story with it. I've heard of many from other knitters which include such fun things as sleep depravation and finishing hats to go in stocings in the wee hours of Christmas morning. My story is this - I was only making Christmas gifts for two people, my Mom and my Brother. For my brother I choose to make a Jayne hat and a set of juggling balls. For mom I was making a wrap she picked out. I started both of these projects very early on so I was sure that I would have plenty of time. Due to this feeling of not needing to rush I worked on my Christmas projects sporadically and worked on other projects in between.

The week before Christmas I suddenly realized how little time I had left and how little yarn I had left for mom's wrap. I ordered more online, hoped it would show up soon, and set to work on finishing Kevin's gifts. A long doctors visit that was mostly waiting gave me time to finish the Jayne hat and start sewing up one of the juggling balls. A few nights later I was up at midnight watching Legaly Blond and finally filling the juggling balls, they went under the tree the next day.

During that time my yarn that I had ordered showed up I opened it on the Tuesday a week before Christmas and suddenly realized it was the wrong yarn. I had accidentally ordered the yarn I had used for the Jayne hat. I frantically ordered more and it didn't show up until the Saturday before Christmas. I frantically worked to finish the last sleeve and was up until 1 a.m. on the 23rd sewing it up it was wrapped on Christmas Eve.

For Christmas I was given among other nifty tools a yarn meter, so I immediately went to work measuring all my yarn and planning projects for it. I now have great plans for using up almost all of my yarn before I go to college in order to make it easier to travel and store (it's much easier to store nothing than a whole lot of something).

Then the new year came and I made some resolutions. I read the Knitting Daily and one might notice the banner on the side of my blog saying that I was a Fearless Knitter for 2008. I believe I lived up to that name too, I made my first sweater and it fits, and I tackled my first Christmas knitting as well as other things. Now I also have a banner proclaiming myself to be a Fearless Knitter in 2009 and I began to wonder how I would live up to that name. I came up with three ideas. I decided that in the course of this year I would conquer my fears of socks, lace, and colorwork.

I began eagerly last week with socks. I can now proudly say I have knitted a sock and am knitting it's mate and have plans for more!! The rest of the resolutions will hopefully come to fruition in the course of this year.

That's all I have for now, I'm off to finish my second sock!