Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bumps in the Road

Alright, I think I'm ready to be done with big events this semester.

I'll start off with that. This morning, I was heading to church, to be an usher for the first time actually, and the roads were fine, even though it was snowing. I knew it was supposed to get worse, but at the time everything was completely driveable. Unfortunately, halfway to church I just hit one icy patch that spun me out and I ended up colliding with another car and ending up on the side of the road. Both I and the other driver were fine, but that meant a long morning on the snowy side of the road dealing with the aftermath of that. Boaz, my car is going to a repair shop tomorrow, so we'll see how bad it is and what happens next with that.

It was a rough morning, but at least everybody was fine, and the woman I collided with was incredibly understanding. We actually hugged before she left. And, funnily enough, friends from the seminary saw me on their own way to church and texted me saying that if it was in fact me on the side of the road I could call them for help. It was good to be able to get a ride from friends and have help offered before I even was able to ask.

Thank goodness the rest of the week has not been as eventful. My classes are still going fantastically, and I can't believe how far into the semester we're moving. We're moving right through the Reformation in History, learning a new set of verbs in Hebrew, and just about done studying the primeval history stories in Old Testament. I am still loving all my classes, and the only problem is that there's too much to do and too little time to do it. I've been teaching myself to speed read a bit, and I'm also having to occasionally make decisions about what to read and what to just skim. I'm keeping up with things, though, and I'm hoping it doesn't become too overwhelming.

Another interesting thing this week was a trip I was a part of yesterday. A group of us drove up to Canton to see the Saint John's Bible at the museum. This Bible is a beautiful, illuminated Bible made in recent years and written in English. The calligraphy itself is beautiful, and the illuminations are amazing. Many different artists were used to create them, and they showcase absolutely beautiful images of the stories of the Bible. I would like to eventually own a copy of the whole Saint Johns Bible, but it will probably take quite a bit of time to collect.

Next week we as a church move into Lent, and I am very much looking forward to it. I love the season of Lend and the Easter season following it, and I think it will be lovely to be going through it within my seminary as well as at All Saints.

I'm ready for my bumpy beginnings to be over, but the good is still far outweighing the bad. I have been feeling incredibly well over the past couple of weeks and I think things will continue to be mostly good.

Now I am off to catch up on some reading and watch the Oscars with Silas.


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