Saturday, July 27, 2013

Half-way Through Greek

I am officially half-way through Greek. This is amazing to me because it doesn't feel like three weeks have passed.

However, it's going well, and yesterday we learned how to use a software which we bought that allows you to really delve into the original language of the Bible as well as the many translations that have been made, in order to better understand it. I'm actually really excited about owning this software and I have realized that I and several of my fellow students are seminary nerds. We're okay with that though.

I have apparently decided that the whiskey bar next door is a good place to go at happy hour and a few of us ended up there twice this week. Mainly because we're working on verbs and verbs are hard. But we're also getting to know each other better, which is lovely. I had an instance of homesickness for the first time this week as I realized just how far away from Texas I am here. Being able to talk with new friends about it helped me accept that I'm creating a new family here and I will be okay. I do have to say, that for the most part, I prefer the weather here to the weather in Texas. We'll see if that changes come winter.

We had a group from Holden Village here this week with a program called Holden on the Road. We worshiped with them several times, and it was really lovely to learn a bit about Holden Village, and it made me want to go spend some time there one day. I also went to a compline service with the Episcopalians, which was also lovely, but ended up being my third worship service in one day on Monday. It was a long, but good day.

This was the Summer Samplarians' last week here, but I had dinner with a couple of them at the cookout in our apartment complex this Wednesday. They're good kids and I was pleased that I got to spend a bit of time with them this summer. I've seen the Summer Sampler program twice now, and I think it is a really great program for us to have here.

As we're getting closer to the end of Summer Greek, the seminary is beginning to get ready for the start of the regular year. I've received some information about orientation and I am learning form other students what my classes may be like. I'm looking forward to most of them and I'm looking forward to the experience of being here for the next few years. The one thing I'm not particularly looking forward to is the debt I am going to start accruing. I deposited my first loan check earlier this week, and it was an odd feeling to go into debt for the first time. I'm looking for work here, though, and working with Melissa, our financial aid director, makes me feel confident I will graduate with as little debt as possible.

I am spending my weekend working on my apartment as well as my Greek, so my apartment is still not fully unpacked or organized, but I am working on it a little at a time. Living, working, cooking, etc. in my apartment helps to make me feel at home here, and I think that working in my apartment helps me to feel settled.

Then next week I am off to learn more verbs, because Greek is practically the only thing I do right now.

Kathryn S.

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