Saturday, July 20, 2013

Continued Settling In

Another busy week is over, and apparently I know everything I need to know about Greek nouns.

This week has been good, as my classmates and I have been getting into the swing of Greek. Class every morning, studying every afternoon, and occasional trips to the whiskey bar across the street to do something together that doesn't involve Greek at all. I'm still enjoying the class most of the time, and as I learn more, what I'm able to translate seems more exciting. I'm working on a ten verse passage from 1 John this weekend, and as I work on it I am surprised by how much I have managed to learn in the time I've been here.

Earlier this week I volunteered to be a lector for chapel, but I was later than my classmates, so I wasn't needed as a lector. Instead I was invited to lead morning chapel on Monday. I was nervous to do something like that in front of so many new people, including professors, but I really enjoyed leading it and I'm looking forward to being involved in many more chapel services while I'm here.

I also finally got the internet in my apartment after several misadventures. Last week they sent my internet to the wrong apartment, and this week they were two days late because they had to fix some outside wiring before they could begin my service. I was so excited when a technician finally showed up on Wednesday, and now I am writing from the comfort of my own apartment.

I also ended up spending a bit more time with the Summer Sampler kids this week, which turned out quite nicely. We do a cookout in the apartment courtyard on Wednesday night and I ended up sitting and chatting with a couple of them. Then on Thursday night several of us went to their Gospel Slam, which was actually quite good. Several of these kids are really excited about their futures, many in ministry, and it's easy to see how good this program is for them.

I'm still settling into my apartment, and still rather hindered by the difficulty I have standing or walking for long periods of time. It's getting a bit better every day though, and soon I'll start putting up artwork and pictures, which will really help to make it feel like home. In fact, yesterday I took a whole day break from Greek, mainly for working in my apartment. Today, however, I have to get back to it so that I can finish my translation and take two quizzes before Monday. Then we'll start on verbs.

I'm really feeling settled here in the town and in the seminary, and I'm so happy that I chose to come here for this stage of my life. I like the people and the area, and I think I'll really enjoy several of my classes once I start the full semester in a few weeks.

That's all that's going on in my life now,

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