Monday, March 10, 2014

A Quick Update

It is absolutely beautiful outside today. I'm sitting here with my window open and it is lovely.

Spring is arriving, and it has taken me a bit of time to figure that out. But I have not needed my coat the past couple of days, which is weird, and I really only need my heater on at night. On Friday I went to my first bonfire of the spring, and I had almost too much of a good time.

I am looking forward to spring break in a couple of weeks, though, mainly because it will mean that one of my classes will be over and I will have a lighter schedule. I'm keeping pretty busy with my homework (hence the late blog) and taking the responsibilities of one class will be good. That will also mean that I will actually have a couple of hours off on my marathon Tuesdays, and I believe that I will take that time for reading for fun or knitting or something like that. It'll be absolutely crazy.

This week, I have had a lot of opportunity to be part of worship, especially in reading, and it has been nice. I enjoy reading the Bible publicly, and I have done it at a couple of services at Trinity as well as for the first time at All Saints, my MIC site.

I have also been doing pretty well getting around car-less, due to the kindness of several friends who have either given me rides or lent me cars so I can get around. I still don't know everything about my car getting fixed, but I'm hoping to find out in the next day or so. I'm nervous about Boaz's fate, but I will handle it however it comes.

Lent has been interesting so far. I gave up binge-watching Netflix for the season, and it has been interesting to see how much time I would spend on in now that I have given it up. I have been reading more, and I have been getting my homework done easier. Maybe this will be a habit I keep up after Lent is over as well. It's lovely to go to chapel regularly during the season, and I am looking forward to seeing what other kinds of services we have over the season. Today we had a beautiful service of healing which included anointing and the laying on of hands.

Now I am off to write a final paper for my Music in the Contemporary Church class, and then I will be practically done with one of my classes for the semester!


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