Monday, March 31, 2014

A Good Week

Well spring break week turned out a bit busier than I had expected, at least here at the library.

On Tuesday last week, I came into the library and the system we use for circulation was completely down. And it stayed down until Thursday afternoon. That is a long time without the ability to check-in or check-out books in a  library. And even though it was break, we had quite a few students from Capital University next door coming over to get books for a Church History project. I manually checked out many books, which means writing down a lot of barcodes, and then manually entered almost all of them into our system on Friday. Thank goodness I love working in the library, or that might have been more trying. All is well now, though and I am actually writing this from the library front desk computer while I am working.

This past week I have also been busy crocheting away on the squares for my Luther wall hanging, and they are going swimmingly. I am already a quarter of the way done, and I expect I will have plenty of time to finish it before the project is due. I'll put up a picture here once it is completely done, although I am sharing most of the squares as I make them on instagram and facebook.

I also had a couple of dates with Silas, and had dinner with my friends Sarah, Russ, and Kaeliegh over the week. Campus has been generally quiet, but it's lovely to have some time to spend with my friends and to be able to have a skype date without worrying about homework I should be doing. All in all it was an absolutely lovely week, with lots of alone time for my introverted self and plenty of time with friends.

I am very much looking forward to this half of the semester, and I think it will be a little easier, because one of my classes has ended. Now on my ridiculous Tuesdays I will have a couple hour break in the middle of the day to rest and recoup some of my energy. The rest of my classes are going great, and I still love all of them. I passed my midterms and I expect I'll do just fine through the rest of the semester.

This week I will be working away, then one more week of school before another break! Easter break will be nice too, as I'll be able do some things at my MIC site and be involved in their Easter services. I am definitely looking forward to that. The semester is rapidly moving on and I will be home and working at Parkland before I know it. Such is life at seminary, every week passes by in a flash.

I have been very happy the last few weeks. I am making a lot of progress in my counseling, and I'm feeling like I can be myself all the time mow, without difficulty. Having been dealing with depression these last two years, and still dealing with it now, it is surprising how light you can feel when not weighed down by sadness. I'm excited about everything I'm learning here, my next few years here, and lately I've been absolutely thrilled with the prospect of actually working in a church one day. As I learn more about how I might do that and what it might look like for me, I am more and more excited about it.

Now as spring is trying to spring into being here (we had a beautiful spring rain that turned into snow on Saturday) I am practically bursting with joy. I hope everyone else is feeling the joy of spring and a world beginning to grow again.


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