Monday, August 26, 2013

Orientation Week

I've officially been orientated, and now I'm ready to begin my first week of the regular semester of classes here at seminary.

I had a slow start to the week, because orientation didn't begin until Wednesday. I spent my Monday and Tuesday working on cleaning and organizing my apartment. I am almost entirely unpacked now and I'm beginning to put up artwork. All I have left to do is organize my closet and I will be officially unpacked. About two months after I moved here. My dad was working in Cleveland this weekend, and he drove down Tuesday night just to take me out to dinner. We had a  nice evening, but I did not envy him the drive.

Orientation was a busy and exhausting experience. On Wednesday, after a tour which was not much of a surprise, we were split up into groups to go out to different mission areas in the community. My group ended up at Saint John's Episcopal church in Franklinton, which is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. The pastor there, LeAnn, took us out into the community to show us more about it and what the church does there. They work with a community garden and an elementary school, and they have a street worship service every week to reach those who wouldn't be comfortable going into a church building for whatever reason. LeAnn also simply knows many of the people in the neighborhood and is friendly and welcoming to all of them. It was a really eye-opening experience.

The next day of orientation, we met in small groups to discuss what we'd done on Wednesday, and we had lunch with the Junior portion of our I-Groups. I think my I-Group will be interesting, and it'll be nice to meet the rest of them later this week. After orientation on Thursday, several of us from the Greek class went out for drinks and dinner and we had a great evening. Unfortunately by the time I got home, I was so exhausted I couldn't make myself do anything but lie on the couch.

Friday was one more busy day, as we received all the information we need to actually function as students at the Seminary, which meant near information overload. I learned about my contextual education, both working at a church here regularly, as well as my Clinical Pastoral Education, which I'll do this summer, working as a chaplain in a hospital. They both sound really interesting, and I'm sure I'll learn a lot from them. By the end of the day of taking in all that information, I just watched a movie with a friend and then crashed at home. Silas and I had a date that night, which was a good way to wind down. I've gotten him interested in Doctor Who, which is fun for me as I get to watch it all again.

This weekend was a lovely, and even restful time. I went out with my friend Erica and taught her to knit. It's nice that there are more people who knit up here, mainly because it actually gets cold in the winter. I also got started on an exciting new project, that I can't say anything more about until next weekend. On Sunday I visited my first potential ministry in context site, which was very nice, and after a bit of shopping and working in my apartment, I went out to dinner with a couple of friends. That's why this blog is late - I had a busier Sunday than I expected.

Today I start working at the library, and I start my classes. I will also put in the paperwork for my big loan for the year, which is a little scary. I think it will be a good day, though.

Wish me luck!

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