Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In Which I Scrapbook

Yesterday I thought a lot and decided to write a blog about it. I had every intention of doing what I said I would do, but my brother Kevin came up with an even better idea. Read his post and you can see the challenge I unwittingly got myself into. http://fakingmyway.wordpress.com/2011/09/06/challenge-accepted/

I really appreciate Kevin's support and accountability, and now if all goes well there'll be twice as much creative stuff as there would have been if I'd tried this on my own, and you can follow both of our blogs and see all of that creative output. Also, there'll be a free dinner for one of us sometime in the future.

This creativity duel might change my focus a bit. Knitting and cross-stitching take a long time. I'll continue to do things, but Kevin established that only completed things (I made this sleeve! etc.) count. Due to this I'm going to have to venture out a bit and I will probably end up writing more. Since I've wanted to try my hand at writing for the better part of a year and simply haven't found the time on my own, I expect good things from this. (Good things by way of me practicing, more so than necessarily good writing - I'm still really new at it).

My only question for you, Kevin, is does cooking a meal count? Not making a PB&J, but actually cooking? I don't get to do it as much as I want to, but I've been counting good cooking as creativity in my head.

Finally, if you read his blog you will have noticed that Kevin wasted no time in beginning, and has put some new Haiku on his blog. So, what have I created today? I don't think I mentioned on the last blog that I recently took up digital scrapbooking (thanks Mom!). Today I made this:

I intend on printing it out and hanging it in my apartment post haste. Now we just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings from the both of us.


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