My third snowy winter truly began this past Friday, and this one got me. After spending all day Friday watching the snow, on Saturday I had things to do. I went to yoga, I got groceries, then it was time for me to head to church. On my way to my car, I slipped on the ice and landed on my arm. I hurt, but didn't think too much was wrong, so I went on with the evening. Unfortunately after icing it for a couple of hours at home, it had gotten to the point that I shrieked every time I moved my arm, so I could tell something more was wrong. So, I called a woman on my support committee for a ride to the hospital. Turns out, I've got my first broken bone: my left radial head - my elbow. So now I'm in a splint and a sling and I'm typing this one-handed.
Despite this rough weekend, especially to my elbow, I'm finding myself grateful. Maybe because it's almost Thanksgiving and we celebrated gratitude in church this weekend, so my mind is there, but I'm pretty happy about it.
I am grateful that I fell on my left arm instead of my right, so I still have a lot of ability to do things. For the smallness of the fracture that will hopefully heal quickly. For people I can call at 10 at night who will wait with me at the hospital until 1:30. For people thinking of what I may need before I can and offering help. For an opportunity to learn to receive help. For the ability to write and color since I can't knit or crochet. For a fiberglass splint that keeps my elbow still and free of pain. For bodies' amazing ability to heal themselves if we let them. For a cat who refuses to let a thing like a splint and sling get in the way of cuddles. For my situation moving me forward in my hopes for my sermon preparation and delivery. For a good reason to practice self-care by going to a salon and having someone shampoo my hair on a regular basis. I am grateful for these and so many other things.
It's been a good week.
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to worship with a congregation within the walls of a women;s prison. I love the fact that congregations like these exist, allowing people in prison to form their own communities, just like the ones we form and I work with. The women I met were kind, and deeply engaged in being the church. I was incredibly happy to have a chance to be with them, to share in prayers and communion with them.
Advent is beginning soon, it is a new church year. It's a Luke year (in the gospel readings) which makes me a bit nervous, because I find Luke a little difficult, but this will give me more ways to grow in this role. The church is blue and beautiful, it's time to decorate for Christmas (yes, I do that in my home during Advent) and I am very happy. Keep looking around this season, there are so many reasons to develop a grateful heart.
May God's peace be with you all.