So I have a funny college story to tell.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I have carried a pocket knife for several years now. Unfortunately the clip on my knife is bent and I have not received a new one yet. Because of this and the fact that clothes makers seem to think that women's pockets don't need to be deep enough to properly carry a pocket knife, I lost my knife last Thursday afternoon.
I filed a report with the police and the next day they called me and said that they had found it. I was very excited and thought the matter closed.
Today in psychology we were discussing motivation and fight or flight. Dr. Dempsey began to mention a personal experience that he had had with fight or flight just last week. He told us how a student after class had walked up to him with an open switchblade. At this point I burst out "Was taht last thrusday?" Dr. Dempsey said that it was and I announced that that was my knife and I was very glad that I had gotten it back.
The class began to look at me a little strangely and wanting to better demonstrate what he was teaching Dr. Dempsey asked if I had it with me. I said yes and pulled it out and opened it. Then I got that feeling that everyone around me was fairly certain that I was crazy.
I handed the knife to Dr. Dempsey and he said that when a student had walked up to him after class holding an open knife (the student hadn't known how to close it), he simply thought that he was going to die.
We all laughed and I thanked Dr. Dempsey for turning it in to the police. He said that he had to, and that the police officer had seemed rather unconcerned about the whole thing. Apparently Dr. Dempsey thought that they should fingerprint it or something to make sure it hadn't been used in a crime. I'm sure that since there have been no recent reports of stabbing on campus that that never crossed the officers mind.
So I have my knife back, and S.O.G. is supposed to be sending me a new clip. Also, my entire psyc class is a little afraid of me going off the deep end and stabbing someone. Funny Day.