Friday, November 14, 2008

In Which I barely write about knitting

Woah, I haven't updated this since September.

Let's blame it on schoolwork shall we?

Let's see, what have I been doing since September? Hmm...

Well for the headlines: Due to my Government class I hate politics more than ever; Due to the people in my History class I worry for Humanity; I'm passing Spanish; I barely work anymore so I don't have any money to spend on yarn, books, or other things; My youth director moved to Longview, TX and at her goodbye ceremony I cried in front of most of the people I know at church; When I do read a book nowadays I devour it and am done in a day or less; And I finally found some bright orange cotton so I've begun making washcloths and I plan to knit a black linen hand towel or too go to along with them.

So that's the basic Idea of the past two months.

Latley, life has been fairly routine. I knit as much as I can and for some reason two girls in my history class whose names I don't even know seem to think that because I knit before my history class I want to talk to them for some reason. Mostly I make polite responses and hurry into class as soon as Professor Rye shows up. This is the first semester that perfect strangers in school talk to me because of my knitting, it's kind of weird. People talk to me about it in government and spanish too, but I actually don't find them annoying so it's pretty cool.

In other news, I'm still really enjoying reading poetry and I have begun writing a poetry journal in which I copy out some of my favorite poems and then write a couple of lines about what they mean to me or why I like them. I've also written a couple of poems, but they're a long way away from being able to be seen by anybody. I also have read a few new good books lately. As I mentioned earlier I devour books when I get a chance to read them. For instance, earlier today I read not one but two new books I got from the library at 1pm. While I admit that neither of these books were very long, I still am surprised that I finished the second one.

In talking about books I would like to make an observation about book trends of the last few months. We all know that the final Harry Potter has been out for awhile and those people who don't really read outside of that series were looking for new books to create a fandom for. For many of those people they picked the Twilight Series which are vampire romance stories. Now I am very happy that people my age are reading, in comparing my life and education experiences to those who don't read much I think my love of books has really been an advantage, but I don't get all the hype with vampire romances. To me it seems like trying to mix two very different genres. I like both science fiction and chick-lit books, just not squished together. I think that's just weird.

My mom recently read a different vampire romance and did enjoy it, and I am by no means shunning all those who love twilight, but I occasionally begin to feel how I'm pretty sure Mom feels whenever someone tells her that if she would just give Jane Austen a try she would really like it. People in my youth group have read Twilight, people in the tap class I barely belong to have read Twilight, my neighbor was one of the first people to read and recommend Twilight to me. But I still haven't read it and I have no intention of reading it or even of seeing the movie unless someone else pays me to go see it, and even then I'm bringing my knitting. So just to let anyone who reads my blog and wants to know, I will probably never read a vampire romance because I just really don't like vampires.

So that is my rant about books for the time being, I'm going to go start another book and try to figure out the measurments that I want my new felted gray beret to be. (More on that in another post.)

I'll write again soon!

"Tell the folks at home what you're doing, Roger"