I obviously haven't actually used this blog since i started it, but i think now is a good time to start.
2008 seems to be a year for new beginnings for me. I have and am using a treadmill in my house, i have recently started playing the piano a bit, i have started a dvd collection so i have plenty to watch while i knit, i'm doing my Bible study every day, and i have started actually writing in this blog.
So... yay for beginnings.
Speaking of beginings, yesterday i picked up a knitting project that i have not worked on in months. it is the Doctor Bag from Knit2Together. i fell in love with this bag when i saw it, started it as soon as i could, and then about a foot into the back panel i put it down and it landed in my hibernation pond.
a couple of days ago however i found myself with absolutely nothing to knit until i get a set of size 2 dpns in the mail. so i went over to my hibernation pond picked the Doctor Bag back up and fell back in love with it.
Today i was out with my friends and we stopped in a starbucks. luckily i already had a jamba juice smoothie with me, so i didn't have to actually buy starbucks coffee. Anywho - i brought out my knitting while my friends were talking about horses (some big horse thing is coming up tomorrow) and began the decreases at the end of the back panel. i quickly realized i did not have the right number of stitches. ARRG!!!!
knowing that if i had to rip this whole piece out i would just
A new beginning for me, however, would be that i managed to fix the mistake with a little bit of figuring and the bag will still look fine. WOOT.
Tomorrow I begin some of my regular activities and i can begin more frequent knitting in public, my favorite kind of knitting because then people look at me funny. At the moment i am trying to figure out if i will be able to knit in the dentists chair tomorrow so that i can keep my mind off the sharp things in my mouth while my teeth are cleaned.
Till Next Time,
P.S. other exciting news that absolutely does not relate to knitting - I'M GOING TO SEE SWEENY TODD ON STAGE THIS MONTH!!!!! me and my brother and a friend of his are going at the end of this month and i have been "squee"'ing all night.